Das HEXAGON Rohretui hat ein schönes, funktionales Design.
Damit haben Sie Ihre Oboenrohre sicher untergebracht.
Das Etui ist in einem Stück 3D-gedruckt worden und lässt sich durch integrierte Magnete einfach öffnen und schließen.
Besitzen die Hexagon-Rohretuis Luftlöcher für die Luftzirkulation?
Die Luftzirkulation erfolgt bei unseren Hexagons durch die Scharniere. Hier kann genug Luft fließen, um für die Trocknung der Rohre zu sorgen.
Etui HEXAGON Dear Udo, I have been using the wonderful 3d printed reed case you so kindly gave me last...
Dear Udo, I have been using the wonderful 3d printed reed case you so kindly gave me last year at IDRS in Boulder, and enjoying it hugely - also other people’s reactions to it! On Monday, I was showing it to some people who had not seen anything like it before, and one of them randomly asked “What would happen to the reeds if you dropped it whilst it was open”? I replied that I wasn’t going to test that out… Later in those recording sessions, I just happened to drop it, whilst I was standing up, and it was in fact open - a really weird coincidence. It landed hard on the floor upside down (reeds downwards), and not one reed moved at all and there was no damage to any of them! I thought you’d enjoy the story!