Reed Making Class for English Horn

with Michael Höfele
November 9, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main

Reed Making Class for English Horn

with Michael Höfele
November 9, 2024 in Frankfurt am Main

Application deadline October 26th. There are still places available.
Do you have questions about this product or need help ordering it?
Send us a message.
We offer a special price of 59.00 € for students.
Please contact us.

English Horn Reeds

Optimal tip length for differing situations

The course is designed for students with little reed making experience who want to start making their own English Horn reeds, as well as for professionals who want to improve their reed making.

Michael Höfele will discuss and demonstrate how changing the tip length can optimize your reeds for various situations.

You are also welcome to bring along finished or semi-finished reeds
for individual questions.

What we have there

The course fee includes shaped canes, brass wire and thread.
Two profiling machines as well as two shaping machines
will be on site for use during the class.
Of course, we also have drinks for you.

Please bring with you

English Horn
Reedmaking Knife
All material can also be
purchased on site.

Reeds 'n Stuff Frankfurt Eschersheimer Landstraße 275 60320 Frankfurt am Main
German and English
9:00 - 16:00
number of participants
7 - 11
Half of the course fee will be refunded if you cancel your participation by 30.10.2024
Unfortunately, there are no parking spaces directly at the venue. You can find parking spaces in the surrounding side streets or head for the HR car park 5 minutes' walk away. There is always a space to be found here. Just enter "Funkhaus am Dornbusch, Parkplatz" into Google.
Registration notice
If the minimum number of participants is not reached, we reserve the right to postpone the course.
Product number

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