Cut. Perfect.
The principle of the guillotine guarantees perfect cuts.
With the mm scale you can select the length of the reed between 10 and 80 mm.
Scraped and unscraped reeds can be cut to any length desired.
The adjustable length stop can be preset if you are always using the same lengths.
If ever needed, the hardened steel cutting unit can be resharpened.
Even hairthin cuts can be done with precision thanks to the windows, which enable you to view the cutting spot from multiple angles.
The self-arresting reed holder for oboe can also be used for english horn reeds.
However, for frequent use,
we recommend the reed holder with mandrel .
The reed holder can easily be changed. This allows you to use your reed guillotine for all reeds of the oboe family.
The self-arresting reed holder with mandrel is suitable for oboe d'amore, English horn, Viennese oboe as well as for all historical oboes.
The length of the mandrel can be
variably adjusted to your staples.
You can find a tutorial for this here:
The adjustable length stop can be preset
if you are always using the same lengths.
You can remove the tarnish with metal polish.
Why is there some tarnish on my blades?The reason why we use a steel that creates a patina over use is a technical one. The cutting abilities of such a steel are better than those of stainless steels.
What can I do to check the quality of the cut?You can check the cut by trying to cut a piece of cigarette paper. If the blade does the job then there is no need to exchange them. If they do not, it can be for two reasons: 1. The blade is really blunt. Then an exchange of blades would be good. 2. The 4 screws that hold the front blade are too loose. Tighten them just enough the cutting blade can be moved tight up and down.
- Manufacturer
- Reeds 'n Stuff
- Country of origin
- Germany
- Product number
- F10-15000-02F10-15000-02
Reeds 'n Stuff GmbH
Karlsbader Straße 88c
09465 Sehmatal-Cranzahl
with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities.
There is a risk of injury if used improperly.
This product is intended to be used indoors.