The Marigaux 1 SuperLeggera has exactly the same dimensions as the traditional Marigaux 1 staple, which means that the normal Marigaux 1 mandrel fits these staples too.
The Marigaux 1 SuperLeggera - like the Marigaux 2 staple - is made of a considerably thinner material. In addition, the finish ensures that the staple vibrates better when playing and the sound is warmer. This significantly improves the playing feel.
The staple is particularly suited to those oboists who like the dimensions of the Marigaux 1 staples but are looking for a lighter and more airy feel when playing.
- Top Diameter of the Staple (horizontal)
- 2.40 mm
- Top Diameter of the Staple (vertical)
- 1.80 mm
- Bottom Diameter of the Staple
- 4.60 mm
- Tip Form
- oval
- Remark about the Staple
- with cork, gold plated
- Instrument
- Oboe
- Manufacturer
- Marigaux
144, Boulevard de la Villette
75019 Paris
with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities.
There is a risk of injury if used improperly.
This product is intended to be used indoors.
No review available for this product.