Secure your Cane
The cane near the center of the barrel is at risk for tearing. This is due to the fact that the most amount of cane is removed in this portion of the piece of cane as well as slight variations in cane radii. In order to help prevent this we have developed, together with Prof. Hermann, a printed cane clip.
This clip attaches to the barrel
in addition to the clamp rings,
and holds the cane in place
while the profiler is in use.
When one side one of the cane has been profiled, the clip can be moved to hold that side in place while the opposite side is profiled.
This ensures that the cane is held against the barrel to prevent lifting and tearing.
- Manufacturer
- Reeds 'n Stuff
- Country of origin
- Germany
- Product number
- 1199-003651199-00365
Reeds 'n Stuff GmbH
Karlsbader Straße 88c
09465 Sehmatal-Cranzahl
with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities.
There is a risk of injury if used improperly.
This product is intended to be used indoors.