Table of Contents

Figure Machine


General Comments

The Reeds 'n Stuff Reed Guillotine is designed such that the blades are perpendicular to the reed, ensuring that both blades are cut to the same length.

The blades are designed to last for hundreds of reeds. After many years of use, should the blades become too dull to use they can be replaced fairly simply.

Reeds should be soaked in water before clipping.

Using the Reed Guillotine

First, make sure the blades of the Reed Guillotine are open and there is enough space between them for the reed to fit. Scrape the bark off the scraping surface of the reed and soak it for at least five minutes in warm water.

Once the reed is at the desired position, push down on the lever, cutting off the tip of the reed. Now you can slide the block back again and gently remove the reed from the guillotine.

For frequent clipping of English horn, oboe d'amore and baroque oboe reeds, we recommend the reed holder with mandrel. The length of the mandrel can be variably adjusted to your staples by loosening the screw on the bottom of the reed holder.

Using the Length Stop

There are two ways to use the length stop. If you always use the same reed length, you can adjust the length limiter to always give you this length. Loosen the screw, position the limiter with the reed holder to the desired length, and tighten the screw again.

If you always start with one length and then clip shorter from there, you can also use the length stop for this.

Maintaining your Reed Guillotine

After each use it is recommended to clean any debris and cane dust from the Reed Guillotine. This can be accomplished with a strong push of air, or by using a brush.

After processing a larger amound of reeds we recommend placing two drops of oil into the bristles of a paint prush and then brushing the blades. This not only helps remove smaller debris, but also coats the blades in a thin protective coat of oil. This will help protect the blades from rust and discoloration.



事故を起こさないために、Reeds 'n Stuff の製品を使用する際は、マシーンの設置、使用、メンテナンスの際には、以下の安全に関する指示に従ってください:

Reeds 'n Stuff 製品は玩具ではありません。

Reeds 'n Stuffの製品は屋内での使用を目的としています。