Figure Blade 360°
Rotating the Blade
注意! ネジを力任せに締め付けないでください。ネジやネジ回しが損傷を受ける可能性があります。
Replacing the Blade
To replace the blade, first loosen the screw on the underside of the blade holder with the attached screwdriver.
Remove the old blade and replace it with a new blade.
Hold the blade in place while tightening the screw with the provided screwdriver and you are ready to profile.
This entire process can also be done with the blade holder still mounted on the machine, similarly to rotating the blade.
Note: ensure that no dirt, cane dust, or shavings find their way between the blade and the blade holder while rotating or replacing the blade.
Replacing and Adjusting the Blade or Blade Holder
Loosening or removing the set screw will enable the blade (or blade holder for the Blade 360) to be replaced or adjusted. Adjusting the blade position works best when the set screw is snug against the blade or blade holder, as this light friction will ensure that the blade or blade holder is not moving too much at once.
After replacing or adjusting the blade or blade holder, re-tighten the set screw firmly so that the blade is securely fastened.
Once the blade or blade holder has been replaced or adjusted, and the set screw tightened, please ensure that the blade does not come into contact with the tongue. This could damage the blade and the tongue.
Adjusting the blade or blade holder is best done with the use of a Blade Adjustment Indicator, as achieving the ideal shaving thickness of 0.03 mm is nearly impossible without the aid of a dial indicator.
事故を起こさないために、Reeds 'n Stuff の製品を使用する際は、マシーンの設置、使用、メンテナンスの際には、以下の安全に関する指示に従ってください:
Reeds 'n Stuff 製品は玩具ではありません。
Reeds 'n Stuffの製品は屋内での使用を目的としています。