„Nur ich brachte nach ein paar kurzen Versuchen ein paar Töne aus diesem wirklich schwer zu spielenden Instrument heraus. Mein Vater nicht. Damit war die Entscheidung gefallen: Ich wollte Oboe spielen. Und ich war, zumindest in der Familie, von der ersten Minute an der Beste.“
Ludwig Frank was born into a family of musicians. His father was a conductor, his mother a celebrated opera singer - so his son should have excelled at the piano. But he didn't. And it frustrated him that everyone around him, including his younger sister, cut a better figure on the black and white keys than he did. So he had to find another instrument. One where he had an advantage and was superior to his family. And so Ludwig Frank took up the oboe. It was still not enough for a top-class orchestra - but his path as an instrument maker was to take him to the top of the world. Ludwig Frank's tenacity and a good dose of fate paved the way for him. The most famous soloists swear by the oboes and bassoons from the workshops where Ludwig Frank breathes soul into the instruments.
Ludwig Frank entertains us with his book "On the stages of the world", reveals anecdotes from his life and tells us how he once saved an important concert for star oboist Albrecht Mayer and why his daughter never wanted to wash her hands again after an encounter.
- 言語
- German
- ページ
- 119 pages
- サイズ
- 13.6 x 21 x 1 cm
- 9783968870229
- Publisher
- Ultraviolett Verlag
- Publishing Year
- 2023
- 生産国
- ドイツ
- 型番
- 1901-000381901-00038